近5年以来发表论文如下: |
[1] Lede Niu; Anlin Li;Liran Xiong;Yan Zhou*.Modelling of the impact of land planning and development on regional ecological environment[J].International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management,2022, 25(4): 337-349.DOI: 10.1504/IJETM.2022.10044509 . |
近5年以来发表论文如下: |
[1] 周艳,李安林,黄晓丽,牛乐德*.上海市土地出让特征及其影响因素分析[J].地域研究与开发,2022,41(4):162-168. |
[2] Ying Chen;Lede Niu*.Research on the teaching mode of improving the learning efficiency of university students based on VR technology[J].Int. J. Cont. Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning,2022,32(1):48-64.DOI:10.1504/IJCEELL.2022.121215. |
[3] 李安林,周艳,唐丽毅,牛乐德*,潘媚.怒江州土地利用模拟及生态系统服务价值评估-基于PLUS模型的多情景分析[J/OL].中国农业资源与区划:1-12[2022-04-26].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.3513.S.20220415.1200.006.html. |
[4] Lede Niu; MeiPan;Yan Zhou*.Construction of an urban multi variable geospatial information integration model based on distributed artificial intelligence[J].International Journal of Information Technology and Management,2022, 22(1): 1-12.DOI: 1504/IJITM.2022.121333 . |
[5] Anlin Li; Lede Niu; Yan Zhou*.Prediction method of construction land expansion speed of ecological city based on BP neural network[J].International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management,2022, 25(1/2): 108-121..DOI: 10.1504/IJETM.2022.120722 . |
[6] Lede Niu, Anlin Li,Yan Zhou, Liran Xiong*.Analysis on evolution characteristics of spatial expansion pattern of urban agglomeration construction land based on environmental characteristics[J].International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management,2021,24(3/4):264-277.DOI: 10.1504/IJETM.2021.116824. |
[7] Lede Niu, Mei Pan.Research on dynamic simulation of land use change based on geographical weighted CLUE-S model[J].International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management,2021,24(1/2):49-61.DOI: 10.1504/IJETM.2021.115728. |
[8] Lede Niu,Mei Pan.*Extended geographic information monitoring of urban ecotone based on cell transmission model[J].International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation,2021,12(1):29-37.DOI: 10.1504/IJESMS.2021.114975. |
[9] Lede Niu,liranxiong*.Optimisation and application research of ant colony algorithm in vehicle routing problem[J].International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics,2021,13(2):177-193.DOI: 10.1504/IJCSM.2021.114177. |
[10] Lede Niu,liranxiong.A novel optimal road layout model based on urban cloud data[J].International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology,2021,14(1):41-48.DOI: 10.1504/IJIPT.2021.113907 |
[11] Lede Niu,Mei Pan,Yan Zhou,Liran Xiong*.Study on optimal urban land classification method based on remote sensing images[J].International Journal of Information and Communication Technology,2020,16(4):365-377.DOI: 10.1504/IJICT.2020.107589.DOI: 10.1504/IJICT.2020.107589. |
[13] 潘媚,牛乐德*,陈英. 滇中城市群人口—土地—产业城镇化时空演变及耦合协调分析[J].云南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2020,40(5):64-70. |
[14] Yan Zhou, Xianjin Huang, Taiyang Zhong, Yi Chen,Hong Yang, Zhigang Chen,Guoliang Xu,Lede Niu; Hehui Li; Can annual land use plan control and regulate construction land growth in China?[J].Land Use Policy, 2020, 99(105026): 1-11.DOI:10.1016/j.landusepol.2020. 105026. |
[15] Lede Niu,meipan, Yan Zhou*. Evaluation method for urban renewable energy utilisation efficiency based on DEA model[J].International Journal of Global Energy Issues,2020, 42(3/4): 127-143.DOI: 10.1504/IJGEI.2020.108953.DOI: 10.1504/IJESMS.2020.111272. |
[16] Lede Niu, Mei Pan,Yan Zhou*.Research On Dynamic Simulation And Prediction Of Urban Expansion Based On Sleuth Model[J].International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation,2020, 11(4): 222-234.DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120441. |
[17] ZengJin, XuRui*, SunRong, NiuLede, LiuYing.Evaluation of methane emission flux from a typical biogas fermentation ecosystem in China[J].Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 257(120441).
[18] 牛乐德,杨添富.城市交通与土地利用:现状及其调整策略研究[M].西北工业大学出版社, 2019.
[19] Mei Pan, Lede Niu*.Analysis on route regulation of urban and rural traffic track based on GIS technology[J].Advances in Transportation Studies,2019, 1(Special issue):3-14.DOI: 10.4399/97888255232321. |
[21] 牛乐德,杨添富.中国旅游地理教程[M].吉林大学出版社.2019.
[22] L.D. Niu, L.R. Xiong*, G.J. Jim. Study of urban traffic planning model based on impedance matching of complex road networks[J]. Advances in Transportation Studies,2018, 2(Special issue): 117-128.DOI: 10.4399/978882551814611. |
[23] 杨海莲.牛乐德*.昆明市城市用地结构对空间绩效的影响研究[J].城镇化与集约利用,2018,6(4):120-129.
[24] 陆成星,牛乐德*,鲁 娜.滇中城市群建设用地利用效率及驱动机制研究[J].城镇化与集约利用,2018,6(4):84-93.
[25] 罗维美,牛乐德*,鲁 娜.昆明市土地利用程度及其空间自相关分析[J].地理科学研究,2018,7(4):353-362.
[26] 牛乐德,鲁宏山,熊理然*.滇中城市群建设用地扩张与区域经济发展关系研究[J].云南地理环境研究,2017,29(1):1-6.
[27] 牛乐德,孙学红,熊理然,王大力.昆明市土地供应与住房价格脱钩关系研究[J].资源开发与市场,2015,7:791-795. |
[28] 柯昌莉,牛乐德*.滇中城市群县域经济结构时空演化研究[J].资源开发与市场,2015,6:657-661+768. |
[29] 牛乐德,鲁敏,王大力,熊理然*.昆明市耕地变化特征及驱动机制研究[J].中国农学通报,2015,7:251-255.
[30] 牛乐德,彭籽明,熊理然.昆明市城镇化对土地利用效率影响的实证分析[J].中国农学通报,2015,4:286-290.
[31] 阮雪玲,牛乐德*,彭籽明,鲁敏.昆明市产业结构演进与用地结构关联性研究[J].资源开发与市场,2015,31(1):12-16.
专利、著作权 |
[1] 牛乐德.一种城市地理规划布局展示装置, 中国, ZL201920741565.3. (专利) |
[2] 牛乐德,潘媚.一种市政用道路划线装置, 中国,ZL201821579812.6. (专利) |
[3] 牛乐德,潘媚. 一种城市地理规划模型装置,中国, ZL 201920741568.7. (专利) |
[4] 牛乐德.一种岩土工程勘察测定装置,中国, ZL 201821729663.7. (专利) |
[5] 牛乐德,潘媚.一种可调节角度的地理教学用地图展示板,中国, ZL 201821091008.3. (专利) |
[6] 牛乐德,潘媚.一种旅游景区用导向牌,中国, ZL 201821687098.2. (专利) |
[7] 牛乐德.实验室设备管理系统V1.0, 2019SR0972487. (著作权) |
[8] 牛乐德;网络实验室web签到系统,2019SR0883494. (著作权) |
[9] 牛乐德;自动排监考系统V1.0,2019SR0785804. (著作权) |