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姓   名:杨飞


职   称:副研究员/硕士生导师










2004年9月-2009年6月 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,硕博连读,博士


20009月-20046月 山东聊城大学,学士


2018年4月-2019年4月,美国George Mason University乔治梅森大学,访问学者; 






[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,一带一路典型城市人口死亡高温热浪影响的空间分异机制研(2022-2025年),项目编号:4217011430,项目负责人; 

[2] 中国科学院STS区域重点项目,拉萨城郊畜禽智能生态养殖模式研究与示范(2021-2023),项目编号:KFJ-STS-QYZD-2021-22-002,课题负责人;

[3] 中国工程院-联合国教科文组织二类中心建设“防灾减灾分中心”2016-2023),课题项目编号:CKCEST-2021-2-1,专题负责人;

[4] 中国科学院A类先导专项课题,极端气候事件对一带一路关键节点影响风险评估及应对方案(2018-2022),项目编号:XDA200303,主要骨干。

[1]    Cong Yin, Fei Yang*, Juanle Wang, Yexing Ye. Spatiotemporal distribution and risk assessment of heat waves based on apparent temperature in the One Belt and One Road region. Remote sensing, 2020DOI: 10.3390/rs12071174.

[2]    Bing Guo, Fei Yang*, et al. A model for the rapid monitoring of soil salinization in the Yellow River Delta using Landsat 8 OLI imagery based on VI-SI feature space, Remote Sensing Letters, 2019, 10:8, 796-805, DOI: 10.1080/2150704X.2019.1610981.

[3]    Bing Guo, Fei Yang*, et al. Dynamic monitoring of soil salinization in Yellow River Delta utilizing MSAVI-SI feature space models with Landsat images. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2019., 78:308. DOI:10.1007/s12665-019-8319-8. 

[4]   Wang Xuecheng, Yang Fei*, et al. Evaluation of Forest Losses Caused by Ice-snow Frozen Disasters by Remote Sensing over Southern China in 2008. Chinese Geographical Sciences. 2019, 29(3): 405-416. 

[5]    Bing Guo, Fei Yang*, et al. An improved gridded water resource distribution for China based on second-order basin data. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2018, doi: 10.1080/19475705.2018.1525435.

[6]    Zhigang Huang, Ye Xiao, Fei Yang*, Siliang Huang, Yuying Li. Analysis of the soil water balance for large-scale reforestation with Eucommia ulmoides in the hilly red soil region of southern China, Regional Environmental Change, 2015 doi:10.1007/s10113-015-0859-1.

[7]    Yang Fei, Yang Jie, Wang Juanle, Zhu Yunqiang. 2014. Assessment and Validation of MODIS and GEOV1 LAI with Ground-Measured Data and an Analysis of the Effect of Residential Area in Mixed Pixel. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2340452. 

[8]   Fei Yang, Hongyan Ren, Xiaoyu Li, Maogui Hu, Yaping Yang. Assessment of MODIS, MERIS, GEOV1 FPAR Products over Northern China with Ground Measured Data and by Analyzing Residential Effect in Mixed Pixel. Remote Sensing, 2014. 6(6), 5428-5451; doi:10.3390/rs6065428.

[9]    Fei Yang, ZhenchenXu, Yunqiang Zhu, Chansheng He, Genyi Wu, JinrongQiu, Qiang Fu, Qingsong Liu. Evaluation of agricultural NPS pollution potential risk over China with a transformed-APPI method. Environmental Technology. 2013, DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2013.796008.

[10]   Fei Yang, Jiulin Sun, Hongliang Fang, Zuofang Yao, Jiahua Zhang, Yunqiang Zhu, Kaishan Song, Zongming Wang, Maogui Hu. Comparison of Different Methods for Corn Crop LAI Estimation over Northeastern China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2012. 18: 462-471. 

[11]   Yang Fei, Zhu Yunqiang, Zhang Jiahua, Yao Zuofang. Estimating fraction of Photosynthetically active radiation of corn with vegetation indices and neural network from hyperspectral data. Chinese Geographical Science, 2012. 22(1): 63-74.

[12]   殷聪, 杨飞.“一带一路”区域极端气候事件变化及其对典型农业区域生长季的影[J].中国农业气象, 2021, 42(6): 463-474.

[13]   杨飞,马超*,方华军. 脆弱性研究进展:从理论研究到综合实践. 生态学报,2019,  (1). doi:10.5846/stxb20170901 1581.

[14]   黄敏,杨飞*,郑士伟.中国城市化进程对生态系统服务价值的影响研究,水土保持研究,2019, 26(1): 352-358.

[15]   陈伟,杨飞*,王卷乐,程淑兰.冰雪冻灾干扰下的亚热带森林生态系统恢复力综合定量评价. 林业科学, 2018, 54(6): 1-8.

[16]   杨飞,杨世琦,诸云强,王卷乐.中国近30年畜禽养殖量及其耕地氮污染负荷分析. 农业工程学报, 2013. 29(5): 1-11.

[17]   杨飞,王卷乐,陈鹏飞,姚作芳,诸云强,孙九林. HJ-1A CCD与TM数据及其估算草地LAI和鲜生物量效果比较分析. 遥感学报, 2012, 15(5): 1000-1023.

[18]   杨飞, 孙九林, 姚作芳, 张柏, 王卷乐, 王宗明. 基于PROSAIL物理模型和TM影像的MODIS农作物LAI产品精度验证.农业工程学报, 2010, 26(4): 192-197.

[19]   杨飞, 张柏, 宋开山, 王宗明, 刘殿伟, 徐京萍. 玉米光合有效辐射分量高光谱估算的初步研究. 中国农业科学, 2008, 41(7): 1947-1954.

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