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2023年09月01日 13:48  点击:[]



姓   名:刘流


职   称:讲师






2015.032019.01, 德国科布伦茨-兰道大学, 环境科学研究所,环境科学,博士;

2015.032019.01, 德国科布伦茨-兰道大学, 环境科学研究所,环境科学,博士;


2005.092009.07, 三峡大学, 水利与环境学院, 水利工程,学士



2019.012021.10, 德国莱布尼茨淡水生态与内陆渔业研究所,博士后。




[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,水位波动对水库甲烷气泡释放通量的影响机制研究(2023-2025年),项目编号:42207089,项目负责人;

[2] 云南省科技厅外专人才专项-重点项目,水体富营养化对云贵高原湖泊碳循环的影响机制研究(2022-2022年),项目编号:202205AO130010,项目负责人;

[3] 云南省重大科技专项,高原浅水富营养化湖泊污染协同综合治理关键技术集成与示范项目(2022-2025年),编号:202203AC100002,参与;

[4] 德国国家自然科学基金项目,Revising the methane cycling in lakes: sources and sinks in two German lakes with specific consideration of methane accumulation in oxic waters (2019-2021年),编号:DFG GR1540/21-1&2,参与;

[5] 德国国家自然科学基金项目,Monitoring and estimating methane emissions from lakes and impounded river systems (2015-2018年),编号:DFG LO1150/5,参与;

[6] 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项子课题项目三峡水库水量调度与库区水流水质状况响应关系研究(2009-2011年),编号:2009ZX07104-004-02,参与.

[1]    M Schroll, L Liu*, T Einzmann, F Keppler, HP Grossart. Methane accumulation and its potential precursor compounds in the oxic surface water layer of two contrasting stratified lakes. Sci. Tot. Environ.,2023,903,166205.

[2]    Liu, S Liu, X Chen, S Sun, Y Xin, L Liu, X Xia. Strong CH4 emissions modulated by hydrology and bed sediment properties in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau rivers. J. Hydrol.,2023,617, 129053.

[3]    L Long, P Chen, H Xu, D Ji, L Liu, Z Yang, A Lorke. Recent changes of the thermal structure in Three Gorges Reservoir, China and its impact on algal bloom in tributary bays. Ecol. Indic.,2022,144,109465

[4]   Attermeyer, K., Casas-Ruiz, J.P., Fuss, T. et al. Carbon dioxide fluxes increase from day to night across European streams. Commun. Earth. Environ.,2021,2,118.

[5]    Su Y.F., W.M. Li, L. Liu, W. Hu, J.J. Li, X.Y. Sun and Y. Li. Health assessment of small-to-medium sized rivers: Comparison between comprehensive indicator method and biological monitoring method. Ecol. Indic.,2021,126,107686.

[6]    Liu L.*, Z.J. Yang, K. Delwiche, L.H. Long, J. Liu, D.F. Liu, C.F. Wang, P. Bodmer and A. Lorke. Spatial and temporal variability of methane emission from the Upper Mekong reservoirs. Water Res.,2020,186,116319.

[7]    Xiao S.B., L. Liu*, W. Wang, A. Lorke, J. Woodhouse and H-P. Grossart. A Fast-response automated gas equilibrator for continuous in situ measurement of CH4 and CO2 dissolved in water. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.,2020,24(7),3871-3880.

[8]    Su Y.F., W.M. Li, L. Liu, J.J. Li, X.Y. Sun and W. Hu. Assessment of medium and small river health based on macroinvertebrates habitat suitability curves: a case study in a tributary of Yangtze River, China. Water Policy,2020,wp2020205.

[9]    Long L. H., D.B. Ji, Z.Y. Yang, H.Q. Cheng, Z.J. Yang, D.F. Liu, L. Liu and A. Lorke.Tributary bay oscillations generated by diurnal discharge regulation in Three Gorges Reservoir.Environ. Res. Lett.,2020,15(8),084011.

[10]    Liu L.*, K. Sotiri, Y. Dück, S. Hilgert, I. Ostrovsky, E. Uzhansky, R. Katsman, B. Katsnelson, R. Bookman, J. Wilkinson and A. Lorke. The control of surface sediment gas accumulation on spatial distribution of ebullition in Lake Kinneret. Geo-Mar. Lett.,2020,40(4),453-466

[11]    Wu X. Q., C. Noss, L. Liu and A. Lorke. Effects of small-scale turbulence at the air-water interface on microcystis surface scum formation. Water Res.,2019,167(15),115091.

[12]   Yannick D., L. Liu, A. Lorke, I. Ostrovsky, R. Katsman and C. Jokiel. A novel freeze corer for characterization of methane bubbles and assessment of coring disturbances. Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods,2019,17(5),305-319.

[13]    Bravo, A. G., D. N. Kothawala, K. Attermeyer, et al. (2018). The interplay between total mercury, methylmercury and dissolved organic matter in fluvial systems: A latitudinal study across Europe. Water Res., 144, 172-182.

[14]    Liu L.*, T. De Kock, J. Wilkinson, V. Cnudde, S. B. Xiao, C. Buchmann, D. Uteau, S. Peth and A. Lorke. Methane bubble growth and migration in aquatic sediments observed by X-ray μCT, Environ. Sci. Technol.,2018,52,2007-2015.

[15]    Shi X., S. Zhao, C. Ding, W. Jiang, B. Kynard, L. Liu, S. Niu and D. Liu. Comparison of vertical and horizontal swimming behaviour of the weather loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. J. Fish Biol.,2017,91,368-374.

[16]    Liu L.*, J. Wilkinson, K. Koca, C. Buchmann, and A. Lorke. The role of sediment structure in gas bubble storage and release, J. Geophys. Res.: Biogeosci.,2016,121,1992-2005.

[17]    刘流, 刘德富, 肖尚斌, 孔松, 陈媛媛, 方小凤. 水温分层对三峡水库香溪河库湾春季水华的影响.环境科学,2012,33(9),3046-3050.

[18]    Liu L., D. F. Liu, D. M. Johnson, Z. Q. Yi and Y. L. Huang. Effects of Vertical Mixing on Algal Blooms in Tributary Bays of Three Gorges Reservoir: Implications for Management. Water Res.,2012,46(7): 2121-2130.

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